Friday, November 17, 2006

Vientiane - the capital village!

I've made it to Vientiane now, which is the capital of Laos, even though its half the size of Nottingham! Apparently a few years ago it was not much more than the main village in the country. However, these days it is quite a contrast to rural Laos with its wide boulevards, cars and 4 wheel drives (not just tuk tuks and scooters), and even traffic lights. Vientiane even has its own version of the Champs Elysee and Arc De Triomphe - you can tell who were the colonists here even before you get to the Boulangerie. Its an interesting city (or big village) though and its main sight to see is the magnificent golden Pha That Luang - the most important sacred monument in Laos (pictured left).


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