Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Heading for the Hills

I've spent the last 2 days on the move, traveling overnight from Khaolak (where the dive boat docked) to Bangkok by bus, then after a several hours in Bangkok an overnight train to Chiang Mai, Thailand's second city and the gateway to Northern Thailand and the hills.

Tomorrow I'm off on a three day trek in the hills, which includes an elephant ride, white water and bamboo rafting as well as visits to local hill tribe villages. More when I get back from there..........

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Similan Islands - to dive for

Just got back from a 4 day 4 night liveonboard scuba diving trip to the Similan
Islands off the coast of Thailand in the north Thailand Sea. The area is renowned for being one of the top diving areas in the world, and it certainly lived up to its reputation, and matched my previous experience in Australia. We saw arrays of beautiful coral, every tropical fish imaginable, octopus, and some really amazing tiny things - sea horses, nudibranches - kind of colorful underwater worms - truly another world underwater, and really eye opening. Don't think I'll leave it another 8 years again before I revisit that scuba world.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Seaward Bound

Spent 3 good days here on Phi Phi, as its so beautiful. Mostly just relaxing by the beach and bathing in the sea, but I've also managed to fit in some scuba diving and gone for a couple of good walks.

The other day I hiked up to the viewpoint for a birds eye view of the island, and then yestarday walked around to some remote quieter beaches, passing by several construction sites, where the post-tsunami rebuilding continues.

As for the diving, after a gap of 8 years for me I found getting back underwater just like getting back on a bike (swimming with a turtle for several minutes was the highlight), so I'm now heading out to sea on a liveaboard boat for some more!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The story so far

my progress so far from Bangkok

Phi Phi - The Beach

Now I've got to The Beach - well where they filmed it anyway, on Phi Phi Island. Its also where the Tsunami hit hardest - the rebuilding is ongoing, but the resiliance of the locals is amazing and in particular the speed at which the rebuilding has and is happening.

Phi Phi is truly idylic- its a real tropical island paradise: palm trees, coves and bays, clear warm water and sandy beaches, but small enough to walk around the whole island. I can see why people rave about it and say it is the highlight of their trip to Thailand

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Andaman Sea and islands

Its bliss here - not really a beach person, but who cannot fall for this tropical paradise. The Andaman Sea is so calm, serene and azure blue, the sand is soft and light and the islands in the bay diverse and alluring. After spending the day on the beach and then in a bar! yesterday, today I've been on an allday longboat trip around a few of the islands - a bit of snorkelling thrown in and of course some bathing - of both the sun and sea variety.

Now off for another Thai Curry, I think......

Friday, October 20, 2006

In and out of the jungle

Back online now after a week of travelling / in the wilds of the Malaysian Jungle. From the highlands I took a combination of buses, trains and boats to get into the Taman Negara National Park in the heart of the Malaysian Jungle. It took a full day to get there, but was well worth the effort - in every sense the highlight of Malaysia for me - jungle treking, swimming at watering holes, scenic waterfalls, relaxing by riverside beaches, and just the rattle and hum of the jungle noise.....

After the Taman Negara I didn't fancy the hustle and bustle of Kuala Lumpar, so I've headed north by bus, train and boat again, travelling this time for two full days.........to the beaches and islands of Thailand.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Highland Tea

Progressed up into the Cameron Highlands of Malaysia now, where it is much cooler. Seems like they reminded a Scotsman of home.......I've been on a day long tour of the area today - a butterfly and bug farm (massive beetles!) a jungle forest trek, an indigenous village, but the highlight was the visit to the tea plantation (see pic) and factory followed by a nice cuppa.....I guess that's the real reminder of home!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Penang Hill

Spent the morning in Georgetown and then went up Penang Hill in the afternoon on the Funicular (spelling?) Railway (see pic).

Georgetown hasn't got too much too it apart from good food! However, there is an impressive 19th Century Chinese Merchant's house which is very ornate and the migration history in the museum was interesting - its really ethnically multiucultural here.

Penang Hill provided some relief in the afternoon - much cooler up there and impressive views across to mainland Malaysia. Off to more hills tomorrow.....

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Colonial Georgetown

The overnight Bangkok-Butterworth "express" took me most of the way down the Malay peninsula, from where I got a short ferry ride across to Penang and Georgetown.

Penang is the former colonial HQ of the East Indian Company. Nowadays Georgetown, its main town is a bit jaded and run down, but is an interesting fusion of Malay, Indian and Chinese culture - temples beside mosques etc and an array of eateries - the proclaimes culinary capital of Malaysia, which is the main reason I'm here.......dinner beckons! which of the various types of cuisine do I fancy?

Monday, October 09, 2006

One Night in Bangkok

.....er well actually it will be two by the time I go. So I´ve finally got here having had the visa problem even before I got off the ground. Decided to change plans and stay in Bangkok a night or two, before getting the train down to Malaysia.

Went around the Grand Palace today, and to the temple of the reclining Budda .... excellent and very ornate.....was glad when the rain came though as it was humid this morning ... not used to that yet.

Tomorrow I´m off on the overnight train south...........more soon

Friday, October 06, 2006


Well B***** I'm currently grounded in the UK would you believe as my Visa for Vietnam didn't arrive in time to fly on Wednesday......well actually the irony is the Visa didn't matter as I only need it for Vietnam on 17th Nov.......its just that they still had my passport......went through a "professional service" to avoid this kind of shenanagins ....but there you go.

Good news though is that the Passport and Visa have now got here so that I can finally go tomorrow (Saturday).....a delay of 3 days, but I guess I'll soon forget time as it no longer matters!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Now its just a case of packing......although I need that passport back with the Vietnam Visa too......come on hurry up the post!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Picture of Me

Monday 2nd October

First day without work .... well hey that sounds good! Visiting a few friends and relatives before I head off on Wednesday....boy it was good getting up this morning without work to go to. Roll on Wednesday.....although I've still got to get packed as yet.....