Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ba Be, Cau Bang and getting close to China

Hmmm more places with strange names............ Following on from our trip to Halong Bay, Tracy and I have been on a four day trip to north east Vietnam. This first of all took in Ba Be lakes - which are three lakes interlinked by waterways. We took a motor canoe through these lakes, through a mountain via a cavern and to a waterfall - saw very few other travellers on the way - very peaceful. From Ba Be we continued in our 4 wheel drive vehicle up to Cau Bang (pronounced Cow Bang!), where they hardly ever see Caucasian tourists, so were fascinated by our visit. Beyond Cau Bang we then went to see the largest waterfall in Vietnam, which is in a beautiful setting right on the Chinese border - China was just across the river (half the waterfall belongs to the Chinese!) - you need a permit to visit as a consequence, and our guide had to promise the local police, that we wouldn't swim or raft across to China! A lot of driving, but an interesting trip.


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