Monday, December 04, 2006

In Saigon

or Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) as it is now known following the re-unification of Vietnam, after the end of the American war in 1975. We flew down from Hoi An yesterday afternoon and back into the noise of another large Asian city. However, I think I quite like Saigon - there's something about it - the people seem to be more friendly than those in Hanoi, and the streets are wider and actually have pavements, so its therefore easier to avoid getting mown down by a scooter! We've spent today looking around some of HCMC - a very large sprawling city, with most of the afternoon at the War Remnants Museum, which provided an interesting and enlightening viewpoint on the war, contrary to most of the historic western propaganda, and detailing the alleged and proven war crimes of the US during the decades of conflict. The displays also included many wartime photographs including the famous "girl in the picture".


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